This project entails the development of thirty-four (34) acres of land in Naggo Head, St. Catherine. This will be carried out on a phased basis, which will include the construction of 100,000 sq. ft. of space initially for usage by the Information Communications Technology (ICT)/ BPO sector, followed by the construction of 650,000 sq. ft., forming a part of the total development of 750,000 sq.ft of space reserved for the Naggo Head Technology Park.
The development of the Technology Park is to be seen as a part the FCJ’s mission, to be the Master Developer/Planner of new projects in order to give Jamaica a competitive advantage in the ICT, Business and Logistics sectors.
March 2017 saw the completion of Infrastructure works including paving of roads leading into the development, sewer and drainage works for the 1st Phase of the development and completion of the procurement process to select the Design Consultant. Site inspection by stakeholders was also initiated. FCJ conducted a review of unsolicited proposals received from several investors and negotiations are in progress with several potential entities to finance, develop and construct the first 100,000 sq. ft. of space in Phase One. Preparation of a Draft Cabinet Submission to approve the re- view of the unsolicited proposals as well as preparation and submission of Public Investment Management Secretariat (PIMSEC) proposal was completed. Preparation of Conceptual Designs for the project are in progress.
The Joint Venture Agreement (JVA) for the construction of the development between FCJ and a private partner is with Cabinet awaiting approval.
Naggo Head Integrated Business Centre (Change to 32 Acres)
The Public Investment and Appraisal Branch (PIAB) of the Ministry of Finance and the Public Service (MOFPS) provided project approval in January 2023 and the JVA received Cabinet Approval in April 2023. Financing arrangements are ongoing and architectural designs are being finalized.
The Naggo Head Tech Park has a new design. This design concept was revised to fulfil the growing industrial needs and the further development of the city of Portmore.
The development is divided into two major zones. Zone 1 features six (6) unique buildings with a lush central green park as the anchor. Services will include BPOs, residences, a media building and commercial facilities.
Zone 2 features two (2) warehouse-type buildings to be sectioned into nine (9) units which will provide space for light manufacturing and agro-processing.
The park will be supplemented with 519 parking spots, 28 bus parking spaces for shuttles and drop-off points and requisite loading bays.
In support of this new design, a Terms of Reference (ToR) for the Feasibility Study is being done.
The Naggo Head Technology Park is located on 31 acres of land in the Naggo Head Community. From this space 750,000 sq.ft of space will be developed.
A decision has been made to postpone the development of the Naggo Head Technology Park until after the construction of the Morant Bay Urban Centre. As it stands, no JVAs or feasibility study has been done.
Initially the concept of Naggo Head Technology Park was to provide majority of its space to facilitate BPO companies along with support service such as banking facilities and fast food enterprises. With much consideration and responding to the demands of our clients and the public, the concept will be redesigned into an integrated technology park and commercial complex. This is to provide more space allotment to warehousing, agro-processing and manufacturing while still providing space of BPO companies.
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17 Knutsford Boulevard
Kingston Jamaica, W.I
Monday - Friday
8:30 AM - 4:30 PM EST